Frank Wilson (that's me) was born in the middle of the Second World War in the Loxley Valley to the west of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK. The son of a dairy farmer, I worked as an agricultural economist for a number of years in Kenya and Zambia and later in Samoa in the South Pacific. From my academic base in the University of Bradford I also carried out a wide range of research, teaching and consultancy assignments in East, West, Central and Southern Africa, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the Solomon Islands, Albania and Romania.
When I was an academic I was expected to write "academic stuff" and so I did. With retirement came freedom and time to write "other stuff." So I do.
Retiring from academic work when I was sixty, I shifted my attention happily to other kinds of written output; first of all as a feature writer and editor of local magazines and then to poetry and short stories. My first collection of poems Blackberries was privately published in 2008 to raise funds to assist those with Multiple Sclerosis in the UK. I have won awards for poetry and short stories in both the UK and British Columbia.
My Nowt To Do With Me – Rural Stories From the North of England – was published by Peakpublish in the UK in January 2013. A second short-story volume Nowt To Do With My Wife was published in 2015. A third book of short stories Nowt At All Like Home was published in 2020. Four collections of poetry have been published in Canada by Tusitala Victoria; Chasing Crows (2013 reprinted 2015), Apple Man (2016) and Crows in the Apple Tree (2019). Village Lines, which is a collaboration with UK-based artist Alan Taylor, was published in Victoria and printed in the UK in 2021. The most recent book; A Walk in the Park – Uplands Golf Club 1922-2022 was published in 2022.
In 1964 I married the girl I had met during my last few months at grammar school. We now live in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada where I write, garden, write again, sing, play golf, enjoy the company of our grand-children, then write again.
Two New Books
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There is always work in progress as there is always, or so it seems, a poem either on the edge of my mind trying to get in or one that has already been allowed entry and is now stirring uneasily and asking to be fed. Then there is the prose; there will always be prose and I suspect that much of it will be creative non-fiction.
I read these poems on a hectic day. They slowed me down and I am grateful for it. Frank Wilson writes with the quiet wisdom of a man who knows not to pick blackberries where the dogs pee.
If you think Laurie Lee but with real Yorkshire ale you're on the right track.
Social History with a smile.